giveaways humor

Summertime Giveaway | May 19

WooHoo! It’s a summer, summer, summertime giveaway. Yes, my dearest, darlingest blogging friends of the universe–it’s a summertime giveaway–and giveaways are splendid. It would be most excellent if this post actually preceded the summer season–and in some cases, it will. [High side heel click.] That would mean you would place the prize on your front door and ta-da your house/apartment/dwelling place is decorated. Chawcka-lawka-boom. From my vantage point, sitting in a hotel room in the middle of Beijing–summer is right smack dab here. Spring has left the building–and I am feeling all melty.

Now, don’t be leaving comments about how much of a winey-hiney I am. Don’t be a meanie, and please don’t be a little miss/mister bossy moo cow. Yes, I know what hot is. Yes, I know what humidity is [long, deliberate exhale] but I forget until I walk off of a plane and my hair immediately springs and sproings into a voluminous mess the circumference of a beach ball. [And it’s not pretty.]

Check this out. [Focus on the number in the upper right hand corner.]

Temperature in room

That is the inside [as in with air-conditioning which cannot mean the same thing in Beijing as it does in the house I call home] temperature. 82.5 degrees. Thankfully, it was slightly cooler last night at 81 degrees of “I think I’m going to die cry but I’m too tired to” degrees Fahrenheit. [Thankfully, my eye.]

I digress.

It’s a ‘Welcome to the Front Door –Summer Giveaway’ sponsored by ADORNit. By ‘sponsored’ I mean they are the one’s who provided the giveaway gift. Well–they provided part of it.

I provided part of it as well.


I started making these fabulous door banners for two reasons.

Reason #1–The person in charge of choosing a front door for our home when it was being built made a ji-nor-mous error in judgement when selecting the one she they did. [This is not an exercise in pointing fingers.] The front door looked great. However, when it came down to practicality and [here’s the part mas importante para moi] privacy–it wasn’t working.

Here’s the front door with one of my first attempts at blocking the view through the front door window with a wreath.

front door with window showing



Reason #2–Front porches are a lovely place to decorate. They can even become an extension of the front entryway. Splendid.

This door banner is the second part of an A-DoOr-AbLe Welcome to the Front Door Collection. It’s a brand new series of door banners available through ADORNit that will welcome friends and family to your home with generous amounts of color, texture, and a bit of whimsy.


Here’s the top part of the banner.

Summer banner top

 Here’s a section of the adorable sunflowers from the bottom of the banner.

Summer banner flowers

And then there’s this.

Summer banner

That’s my front porch all decked out in fabulous.

The door banner is made from a kit.

The kit is the giveaway–except–it won’t look like a kit–because the kit is completed. It’s done. For real. You don’t have to do anything. Except hang it.

[That was my part of the giveaway–putting it together.]


Enter the giveaway below. It’s easy!

a Rafflecopter giveaway









