DIY great ideas humor living intentionally

Practically imperfect

Practically imperfect

Practically imperfect. I could be talking about a lot of things [including myself] except I’m not. It’s a project I found on Pinterest. I don’t worship Pinterest, but I’ve found some splendid ideas there. I’ve spent a mesmerized moment or two [like a deer caught in the headlights kind of mesmerized] scrolling through the World’s catalog of ridiculous, interesting, captivating, entertaining, clever, practical, fun, and otherwise ideas. I can’t be the only who realizes that there’s no way [as in NO WAY] that we’ll ever be able to paint, make, refinish, redo, refurnish, refurbish, glue, tuck, hang, knit, sew, organize, photograph, sing, watch, write, send, bake, taste, wear, clean, read, print, crochet, mend, run, stretch or try even the tiniest portion of what I’m pinning.

Some of what I store away on the gazillion boards I’ve carefully and cleverly named are actually useful ideas — that end up being practically imperfect.

I did make some pillows — not a Pinterest project this time– for a couch downstairs that desperately needed some color and some texture and stuff.

I decided that I would begin the project and then finish it before I actually began another project.  That’s no small deal around here, let me tell you.

If I am ever foolish brave enough, I will post a picture of my craft room. It’s not a Pinterest craft room. You know what I’m talking about. Perfectly organized. Dust free. There’s a true and special spot for every tool, supply, piece of material. The paint is alphabetized. Each pencil is sharpened and in rainbow order. Stickers are in the sticker spot. Paper is gently and neatly stacked in the special paper drawers.

NOT that I don’t think those kinds of craft rooms aren’t to die for. It’s just not my craft room

It’s my Miles of Piles room.

Here’s the first pillow.

Polka dots are my friends.

practically imperfect

I decided to cover pillows that I already owned for the convenience and economy of it. Existing pillows that aren’t currently occupying a spot. Clarification is wonderful.

Here’s the second pillow.

practically imperfect

They look great together. Like a couple made for each other. You know — because they were — made for each other.

Okay. Ignore that and move to the picture of their engagement. Tun-tun-tun-tah.

 practically imperfect
And here’s the third pillow.  [Fabulous fabric brought to you by the wonderful Charli and Owen wedding reception.]
practically imperfect

I love the combination of patterns.

practically imperfect

The project is officially completed.

These were simple to make and I didn’t imagine that anyone would actually sit through a tutorial. If I’m wrong, just let me know and we’ll organize that post quickly.

Start to finish — one day.

For the corniest tie in to a blog that I may ever post: Looks like I made it.

Them.  Looks like I made them.




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