great ideas living intentionally

Faster than a speeding bullet

Today has been a really great day–and largely because of you.


Blog Wars is officially over. 
Well–the competition part of it is officially over.
[Eyebrow lift, eyebrow lift combined with a knowing smile.]
The receiving of delightful prizes is not.
I’m super impressed by how quickly the sponsors are taking care of the prizes.
I received notification from Tiny Prints yesterday–and–today?  Oh, today–this was on my porch. 

Which is all kinds of exciting in and of itself…

[And yes, the address has been hidden just in case any of you felt like you wanted to put some kind of wild animal in a package and send it to me.  I can’t have those kinds of shenanigans going on around here.]

…but just look at what was inside.

Clapping, singing, skipping, dancing, frolic, merriment, giggle.

[That’s not what was inside of the box–that’s what I did because of what was inside of the box.]

Thanks to The Wood Connection for the $300 Stocked Craft Room box of goodies.

-Matte Sealer
-Gloss Sealer
-Large Wood Glue
-35 bottles of Delta paint
-Wood Connection Texture Cream
-Foam roller Brush
-3 sheets of sandpaper
-3 sanding blocks
-15 small foam brushes
-15 large foam brushes 6 Echo Park 6 Echo Park Paper Collection Kits
-Doodlebug Assortment Glitter Pack
-Doodlebug Jewels

It’s that kind of delightful.

Here’s why I’m thanking you–my blogging cohorts–it’s the 2nd Place prize package. Your generosity in voting brought me to this.

2nd Place Prize Package

ThAnK YoU.

ThAnK YoU.

ThAnK YoU.
Oh–uhm–after reflecting for all of two seconds about what I could have done differently to affect the outcome of the competition–here’s what I came up with–I should have made something like this for the final round.
[Can you just picture pieces of that fabulous paper mod-podged onto different parts of the motorcycle?  Hmm?  I know exactly where the buttons could have gone.]
I definitely think it would have made a 10-vote difference.  I’m not exactly sure if ten more people would have decided to vote for someone else or not–but it would have made a difference.


The day isn’t even over and look how great we feel.






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