Walking on sunshine. Walk-tober–the second. I went through several letters of the alphabet before settling on the “w” in Walk-tober. It could have been “Wok-tober” but–no. “Frock-tober” would have been a different outfit each day.  No. “Sock-tober.” Still no. ‘AaaaCk-tober’ was a possibility. The idea would be to frighten unsuspecting persons (and small annoying pets) at different locations across the valley and then take a picture of their horrified expressions. Imagine a different location every day. ~snerk~

[And it occurred to me that I could throw handfuls of candy at them (after taking their picture) to minimize the likelihood of injury–to me. Injury to me.]

Except I really wouldn’t consider doing that.  Ever.  I just couldn’t think of anything to fit the “AaaaCk” part.

[I don’t like the aaack-eeeck-screech-scare part of Halloween. Please tell me I haven’t lost any friends with that declaration?  ~grin~]

Don’t be showing up at my door looking all fright-i-fied.

Walk-tober the second.

My goal is to be outside–in the sunshine–checking out the landscape.

Except for I saw a snake today. I aaack-eeeck-screeched about that. And no–there is no picture. There will never be a picture of a snake–dead or alive–on my camera. Unless the Handsome Dude borrows my camera and takes a picture of it. And if I know that there is a picture of a snake on my camera, Santa will have to bring me a brand-spankin’ new one.

I managed to fit three segments of walking in today (Tuesdays are my busiest) — ten minutes each. [Don’t be harsh about the number of minutes.]
The blog pic of the day comes from a parking lot at work.

Love this song:

“…to find I’m A number 1, top of the list, King of the Hill, A number 1.”

And steak sauce. A-1 Steak Sauce.

That’s what it reminds me of.

-snore- I know.

Here’s a chipper song to celebrate the second day of “Walk-tober.”

And yes, I danced to it.

Anyone else find something fascinating on their walk today?



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