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0:06 of almost true

This, my friends, is 0:06 seconds of almost true.

“Almost true” because it’s not the best day ever, ever in my whole, whole life–but–it’s definitely a great one.

La-la-la and skipping, singing for all kinds of reasons that run the gamut from rain and rainbows, to working with really pleasant, creative and generous people, to finishing the rock wall in the back yard, to knowing the word gamut, to feeling grateful for a series of events which are far from being unfortunate, and for finally planning a trip with Handsome Dude.

[Even though the trip is just to the edge of our deck so that we can gaze with fondness and cheerful hearts upon the rock wall. 

I can’t even think about the creatures that will attempt to build homes and condos in the cracks and crevices and protection provided by the leviathan rocks stacked atop each other.  But I just did.  Which means I can think of the creatures that will attempt to build homes and condos and perhaps set up childcare and lounging areas in the cracks and crevices and protection provided by the leviathan rocks stacked atop each other.


Sigh and grimace.]

On a more delightful note, I’ve decided to do a bit more reading.  I miss it immensely.  I’m hoping to write an October post about Lemony Snicket’s–A Series of Unfortunate Events. It’s a clever, intelligent, interesting, and definitely captivating set of books. 

Consider yourself officially invited to join me in reading them.  I would love to hear what you think of them.

On that note, I leave you with a quote from Book 12 of the series.

“One can remain alive long past the usual date of disintegration if one is unafraid of change, insatiable in intellectual curiosity, interested in big things, and happy in small ways.”  
     –Lemony Snicket, The Penultimate Peril  

Happy in small ways.

Nicely spoken.





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