DIY Fashion great ideas Tutorials

The peplum had to go

It’s not that I can’t resist a good sale–because I can and often do–it’s just that whethe sale stars are in alignment (such as color/fabric/fit/price), all systems are go and BoOm–I make a purchase.
This sleeveless dress won my heart for a couple of reasons:
     1-it fit well
     2-I love the color
     3-the fabric is beautiful
     4-and the price was dreamy. 

Add a colorful cardigan, a sassy pair of shoes, the perfect mix of accessories and–tun-tun-tun-tah!  I would be looking all fabulous.

The end.

Except not.

Two things, my friends. Two things.

First thing–I forgot.  I flatly forgot to sit down on the little shelf of a chair they provide in the dressing room when I had the dress on.  In the store.  I forgot to sit down in the dress when I was trying it on.  Which means that the dress was the perfect standing length.  As in me standing and never sitting in the dress.  I needed at least three more inches–preferably five–to wear it.

Second thing–the peplum didn’t work with any of the cardigans I owned.  At all.

Because I still loved the dress, I wanted to figure out how to make it work. Without buying anything else.

Sew so can do that.

The peplum problem was the easiest one to remedy: carefully cut the peplum from the dress.


It took me five minutes to cut that peplum off. Five.

[Do not lament the loss of the perky peplum.]


But what to do about the length.

[I don’t ever want to add length to a dress that looks awkward–or dumb–or hilly-billy–or that looks like I’m-adding-length-to-a-dress-that’s-too-short-for-me.  The goal is to add length without drawing attention to it. Amen.]
You may or may not be surprised to learn that I have a collection of slips–beautiful slips. Different colors (mostly neutrals).  Different trims.  I love a uniquely trimmed slip.
Like this one.
I decided to use the accordion pleat trim at the bottom of the slip to extend the length of the dress.  

–cut just above the first row of lace
[And if you can’t see that this is going to look really great–just give me another minute or two, please.]
–measure the opening of the skirt and make sure the trim will fit around it
–baste the peplum piece to the back of the accordion trim
[Yes. The peplum piece that I cut off of the dress initially. Magical, huh?]

The only thing left is to attach the peplum/trim piece to the lining of the dress.

It was a really quick project.
And I am ever so delighted with the results.

Handsome Dude was delighted with the results.

Which is always a bonus.





  • Sally Jones

    Why can I not think of these things?? Oh wait, it must be because I’m not you! Your ideas never cease to amaze me. And I bet the creations in your closet wouldn’t either 🙂

  • Teresa Jones

    Thanks, Sally! And I love that you read the post.

  • Elder Chandler Poulsen

    So super cute!

  • Elder Chandler Poulsen

    Sorry, it’s not really Elder Chandler Poulsen. I just have to have it that way so I post to the super adventures mission blog. 😉 It’s really Brenda Poulsen. 🙂

    • Teresa Jones

      Well–that’s a name that took me by surprise. ~grin~ Delighted to have you reading the blog AND posting comments. (Use whichever name you would like.)

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