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I want all the fabrics | August 10

I want all the fabrics. ~grin~ First of all C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S to every soul who has ever won something from Sweet Creek Moon [photos of the prizes and their recipients would be most welcome–most welcome indeed–I think it would be wonderful to write up a post of winner-winner-oo-la-la folks and their photos]. Second of all, you have to know I don’t want all the fabrics. That would be too much. Too, too much. There are so many other things I enjoy doing as well. [Sewing can’t be the boss all day, every day.] It would be great and grand and quite marvelous if projects that already existed within the boundaries of this home were completed.

[I can’t imagine I’m the only individual possessing excessive amounts of incompleted projects. Unless, maybe I am the only individual possessing excessive amounts of incompleted projects.]

It’s a little tricky trying to balance the old, the current, and the possible projects. Oh–and other people’s projects.

Saturday was  a great day for finishing up a project that I started last July. As in July 2013. The painted frame has been sitting in our living room [sans the cushion and the pillow] for over a year.

Most of our guest have noticed the absence of a cushion.



Tun-tun-tun-tah! I give you the red chair.

Red chair completed

That green houndstooth is fantastic. Fan. tas. tic.

I’m not entirely in love with the pillow, though. There are doubts planting themselves like little seeds in the rich soil I call a brain even as I type. I mean–I like it–but I don’t love it. The floral pattern is fabulous–as are the colors–but–BUT–it feels like it should be a bit bolder. It feels like ‘BAM’ with the seat cushion and ‘WHAM’ with the color of the chair and then ‘mleh-bleh’ with the pillow.

The yellow trim has already left the building. That was a definite re-think.

Okay. Let’s get back to the chair for a minute.

Except–wait. How about you tell me what you think of these fabric options before I re-do anything?

I like that. I like that a lot.

Here are the four choices I have [one of which is the existing pillow].

Which one do you prefer?


Maybe I just don’t know what I’m talking about and should just leave it.

Help me, help me.


I’ll definitely show you what the real and true finished pillow project looks like. Definitely.

Back to the chair.

It’s a chair we found at a local thrift store eons ago. It was a brown, ugly lookin’ thing with a cracked plastic cover and a rotting cushion. It ended up being a rather nice way to add a pop of color and texture to a room without investing a bunch of money.

Handsome Dude replaced the foam for the chair as I painted it black the first time around.

red chair when black

[Note to self: Please remember to take a picture of the project before you begin the makeover.]

Here’s the first cushion and pillow.

Red chair

The painting day so long ago was awesome–mostly because I decided to paint several projects.

red chair projects

[Those are great colors, huh? Seriously.]

The crates are on the front porch.

The metal vases come out when I want a quick change of scenery.

And that chair is by the banister.

Did I ever show you the chair?

Chair with a chicken: before.

Paint a chair 1

Chair with a chicken: after.

Paint a chair 3

It’s a fantastic chair. Sometimes it’s on the porch. Sometimes I just sit in it because I think, “Wow, that is a really fabulous color.”

Back to the red chair.

This is the paint I used. It was the right kind of red [not fire engine red or orange red] Rust-oleum is my friend. My fantastic friend. It sprays easily [my fingers don’t go numb from pressing the nozzle]. No drips. And the color of the cap actually matches the color that comes out of the can. Rust-oleum for President.

And no. No one buys my paint for me. I buy my own paint and then say what I want because I’m the boss of me.

Colonial red spray paint

–painted two coats [Follow the directions on the can and two coats is a breeze.]

Red chair 1

–covered the seat cushion [I used the previous cushion cover as a pattern.]


Made the pillow that I’m now longing to hear your opinion on.

[There’s even a tutorial for the pillow in the works.]

And voila.

Red chair completed

People can sit on the chair now.


Remember to let me know which fabric combination you think works the best.

I certainly have my favorites–but I’m ready to hear you roar your choice.



I want all the fabrics–or enough, at least, to do some fabulous things with.

Like finish the pillow.




  • Lori

    I love the pattern on #1, mostly because I think ithe chair and cushion need a large print to balance them. However, it also seems to need something to blend all 3 colors together. Maybe the other things in the room take care of that.

    And thanks for soliciting my opinion. Cause usually I give it without solicitation and then I get caught in an infinite loop of concern about how said opinion (the unsolicited one) was recieved. Or not. 😉

    • Teresa @ Sweet Creek Moon

      Your opinion is always welcome. I think you’re right about the chair and cushion (especially the cushion) needing a large/bright print for balance. I don’t mind not having a blend in the chair at all. At all. The current pillow just isn’t bright enough to carry its weight in this ensemble. ~grin~

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