DIY great ideas humor living intentionally

Of necessity

Pinterest interest:
I pinned a cute frame idea–something simple AND colorful–for my friend’s front door.  (It’s a birthday gift. ~grin~ I don’t just randomly make things and hang them on people’s doors).
I’m covering a frame with two different colors of yarn and using a metal initial instead of a wooden one.  I think.  The Handsome-Dude asked me how I was going to attach the initial to the frame.  I batted my eyelashes and smiled sweetly.  “What do YOU think you big, handsome hunk of man?”  He will totally find a resolution.  I don’t know what it is, but he will find it.
For real.
Not that I can’t resolve things–because I can.  I do.
I did.
I wanted to cleanly hide the end of the yarn and didn’t have a needle big enough to thread the thick strand through. But I had a bobby pin.  (You can get a pound of them here.  I only used one.  Check the couch cushions before you go buying a pound of bobby pins.)
Okay–I’m a little bit smiling because I did that.  I just want to be super helpful to anyone who reads this blog.  ~grin~ 
Easy to slide the yarn through the bent wire of the bobby pin.
(Have I mentioned that I’m not a photographer?)

Because I’m not a photographer.
It looks like I’m using two different-yet-very-close-colors of green. 
I’m not.
Photography is not a skill I possess–BUT–look how easily that bobby pin is going through the yarn.  I was able to secure, as well as hide, the yarn without using glue.  (In case we want to do something different with the frame later. A practical pinterest project.)

I can’t wait to see what the Handsome-Dude comes up with to resolve HIS issue of attaching the metal initial to the frame. La-la-la.
Here’s that rather wonderful crate creation–with old books and music and leather cases and such carefully and intentionally placed in it. 
And, yes–the lamp is on a kitchen stool.  It’s temporary.  I need to find a small, round side table. (I think that’s what’s going there.)
Don’t you have a place (or two or three) in your home where you can stand (or sit) and let your eyes linger on the texture and the color and the wow? And then you feel all grateful and that it was worth the time and the effort that you put into whatever it is you are admiring?
I will sometimes turn around and then quickly go back to that sweet vantage point and ‘pretend’ like I’ve seen it for the first time.
The wonderful thing about this particular vantage point is that it’s completely visible from the kitchen.
Which means I can dance AND feel all grateful at the same time.



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