Precious political moments
Here I sit, wrapped in the warmth and glow of politics.
I can’t hide it. Oh, I don’t even want to.
[Picture me running in a field of flowers–the golden rays of sun warming my upturned face–arms outstretched–a hand clutching an official ballot–the scent of freshly baked something all pumpkin and cinnamony wafting through the air…]
Call me crazy, but I am still in love, love, love with presidential campaigning. I adore it.
I don’t want it to ever stop.
And the dizzying, helpful array of meaningful, quotable, postable opinions have only increased in number.
There are more exclamation points.
More pointed exclamations.
More exclamations of more points.
I know that voting is true.
[Take a deep breath before you read the next sentence–it begs to be read in one fell swoop.]
Has anyone else been able to gather as much insightful, significant, relevant, useful, mighty information to form an enlightened, empowering opinion of the candidates and the platforms their speech writers stand upon as I have?
Oh, my friends–let us praise the tweets, the posts, the status updates, the plethora of pins, and the mountains of messages heaped upon us.
For we will vote.
Have you seen this?
It doesn’t matter who you’re voting for–this little video is funny.
I don’t have nearly the aversion to politics as you might think.
Precious moments. (We haven’t danced in a while.)
Excellent choreography and staging.
I am NOT, of course, referring to tonight’s Presidential Debate.
Happy Talk-tober 16th.
what do you think?