
The triple-single-cookie-serving miracle

So, I ran some numbers through this calculator I call a brain and discovered that if I were to consume a mere 5% of the items pinned on my Tasty Morsel, To Dine For, and Souper’s On pinterest boards I would be the size of a small country two weeks on this side of Christmas.

That would be December 11th.

I don’t want to be a country of any size when I grow up.

However, I am completely largely marginally comfortable with the idea of being the size of a small car.

I just opened a package of Keebler Grasshopper Fudge Mint Cookies.  I had to (had to) eat three of the cookies because they were stuck together.  I know–it’s kind of like a Halloween Miracle happening in our day. It’s definitely the universe instructing me about portion sizes. It was a sign.

Alrighty–miracles aside.

I am completely aware that there are almost fewer people reading this than cookies I just ate.  Two of the two of you actually made requests.

I am in the business of making at least one dream come true this very evening (tomorrow will be a day of dreams for the second reader) mostly because the universe was so kind about the triple-single-cookie-serving miracle.

Reader the first–

Lovely Laura [in reference to this blog] said: I need to see a picture a little further back. The entryway looks closed off. I need to see how it fits with the whole house! But I love what you did!”

Here is your picture from a little further back.  You may find that the entryway is still closed off (and not open, like say, a field of flowers)–that is entirely because we don’t welcome guests. We have a standard non-invitation extended to all of humankind. I might as well be frank.

Two steps further back and I would have photographed the little sign that reads: “No stranger, or anyone else for that matter, is welcome here.  And especially no puppies.  Or kitties. Or gentle creatures of any kind. And no tiny, cute babies either. Get off of our lawn.”
We do not have two frogs sitting on a bench–or three turtles on a log–or gnomes–adorning our lawn.
No. We have a moat that runs parallel to the sidewalk. Full of piranha.
And another sign warning the passerby of the unfortunate circumstances that will befall them if they even try to be amiable, amicable, or congenial.
Those would be the best–BEST–Halloween lawn decorations. Ever.
Now that I have reached out to 50% of my readership I’m calling it a night.
Except for this: I’ve been forgetting to post my Walk-tober photos.  Here’s a cute sign (a real and true sign) I captured today.  
Charming to the Sweet Creek Moon and back.
Happy October 17th.




  • Jonie Marie

    Your porch looks most excellent! I was hoping for a “daylight, further back” photo too, so you made my dreams come true also.

  • Teresa Jones

    Thank you! And I am thrilled that your dream came true as well. Bonus.

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