The Peanut Butter Bunch

There is something wonderful about children singing.
I’m the Primary Chorister in our ward–which means for almost one hour
(it’s broken up into two 25-minute sections and a 10-minute moment with the littlest wonders)
every Sunday I get to lead the children in singing.
Singing.  Singing.  Singing.
There is joy in being received well by a group of children.
They know your name.
They smile when they say it.
And more often than I could ever have imagined, someone will spontaneously burst into a hug.
That. makes. my. heart. sing.
[Excess punctuation added for emphasis, which I hope was effective.]
I will take as many of ‘make-my-heart-sing’ moments as I can.
Here’s another one of those moments:
Generosity appeared on the front porch this morning in the form of another bouquet of roses in a peanut butter jar.I’ve decided to refer to this group as the Peanut Butter Bunch.
[I can only surmise from the amount of empty jars that more than one person is participating OR someone works in a peanut butter factory.] 
I like that name.
It sounds like a book title.I should get on that.~grin~And now a quick word about buying a dress on sale because you loved it knowing that it was too short–okay–and sleeveless–and hoping you could remedy the situation.

I purchased this dress a few months ago.
The price was right.
The fit was perfect [save for the shortness and sleevelessness]. It’s darling.

A couple of things needed to happen for me to want to wear the dress.

Remember–it doesn’t matter how great the deal, the fit, OR the dress if I’m not going to wear it.

I needed some sleeves and some length.

And some accessories.

Without spending a penny more.

  The dress was under $20.


Here’s a little bit of what goes on as I’m trying to figure out if I’m going to keep the dress.

[This all happened within two days of the purchase so I could return it if wasn’t going to work out.

Slap on some sleeves–in the form of a cardi.   Can you guess which one I chose?  Yeh-yeh.

Two of them are adorable–but don’t flatter my shape in this dress.

It’s a full skirt with a fitted bodice–which is part of my own personal ‘camouflage’–hah.

That kind of dress can make hips look a little wider and the waist look a little smaller.

Bring it.

So I don’t want to hide the top of the full skirt.

At all.

So now can you guess which one I chose?

The top one.

As far as length–I used the same black slip that I modified before which extended the dress–and ‘camouflaged’ me into someone that looks taller than I actually am.

Which brings me to belts.

I needed one.

And I happen to have a few that I’ve collected.

One of them hit me at the just right spot on my torso to add a little bit of a breakfast muffin.

Seeing that I would want to wear it through lunch–no thanks.


No thanks to breakfast muffins around the middle.

I wouldn’t wear a belt if muffin-dom were the only option.

The ribbon belt was too hangy-drapey for a fitted skirt.

[I could have wrapped it around twice, but I knew I had another option.]

One was just too wide.

Okay–and it gave me a bit of a breakfast muffin, too.

Which left me with the lower left hand corner belt.


It has occurred to me at this very moment that I forgot to have the Handsome-Dude take a picture of the entire outfit.
I added a pair of black heels.
He liked the outfit.
So did I.
Which, at the very least, makes my heart smile.
I’ll dance tomorrow.




  • KJlovesBubba

    . . . i love that you are the primary chorister. it makes me want to be a primary teacher in your ward!
    love the dress, you are a fashionista!

    • Teresa Jones

      Love being the Primary Chorister–love it. And you deserve some kind of prize for commenting. So–uhm–lunch at Frederico’s. ~smile~

  • Annie Sue

    Looking Good! Love the outfit!

    • Teresa Jones

      Thank you. And thank you. We should have a craft day. Seriously.

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