
The second noble and good pumpkin

You can imagine the excitement around here when our very own Residence received a piece of mail. (House has never received a piece of mail before. Ever. As in not a single solitary time ever.)
Which is why I thought it appropriate to document the event.
It remains unopened mostly because we haven’t found a letter opener large enough for House to use. I don’t know what we expect will happen once the contents of the letter are disclosed.
It’s unclear to me if the company who sent the letter anticipates a response from House. Thatwould be an entirely different matter altogether.
We’ll see.

On a completely unrelated note, pumpkin has been set free.

Remember the scientific method of preventing the dear deer from snacking on our second noble and good pumpkin?

Here’s the second noble and good pumpkin–in its orange bucket encasement.





Remember the pumpkin that was likely going to rule the world but couldn’t because it was gobbled?


I digress.


The delicate procedure of cutting said encasement off of pumpkin without causing injury was delicate.


A little bit oops.
[As opposed to the lot of bit oops that would have occurred had that been my job.]

My job was to document. ~grin~

We knew that the shape would be affected by the bucket.


(Uhm.  Perhaps the simple explanation for the little puddle of ‘water’ is this: I think pumpkin must have wet itself a little when it heard the saw.  Just guessing.)

And here’s a picture of pumpkin occupying a splendid spot on our porch until Handsome Dude takes it to school for Show ‘n’ Tell.

For real.

I don’t know why it’s not orange.

We have accepted it as one of our own anyway.

Happy belated Walk-tober 19th (because believe me we did–walk and walk and walk–more on that later).




  • Bonnie

    Oh my heck, that is the coolest pumpkin ever!! I love it!

  • Teresa Jones

    I agree! I want to decorate it somehow…

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