humor living intentionally

The winner of the real and true first Rafflecopter giveaway is…

Seriously, truly, and frankly.

Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.

Thank you for participating, liking, following, suggesting, reading, and giving the gift of giggles. 

[Your comments on Sweet Creek Moon’s Facebook page as well as on this blog have been DeLiGhTfuL to read.  Deeee-lightful. What a creative and clever and wonderful group of people you are.]

Thank you to ADORNit for giving me the idea and the chance to have a purse giveaway. ~sigh~ They have this bag for sale online and in the store.  I remind you of that particular fact because you know that only one of your fabulous selves is going to win the purse, right? 

Oh, that I were a fifty-ga-jillionaire and could purchase one for the whole lot of you.

But I’m not.

So I will brighten the world of fashion one purse at a time. (Because maybe I’ll do this again.  Just maybe.)

Here is our prize.
Here is our winner.

[And this has me grinning and grinning–you’ll see why as quickly as I can manage to type it.]

Owen Johnston

That’s very much a boy name–and that’s the part that has me grinning. It just didn’t occur to me that a man-guy would win.

But one did.

And it’s Owen Johnston.

Congratulations to Owen Johnston our man-guy winner! You have 24 minutes hours to respond to the email I sent before I give another longing soul the chance to win the purse.  ~grin~

Enjoy the day.




  • Owen Johnston

    Awesome! Do you think it will fit my laptop? Jk, my wife is going to love it! Thanks!

  • Teresa Jones

    Yay for a husband who has a fabulous bag for his wife–yay, I say! Congratulations! And thank you for participating. Let us know what she thinks about it. ~grin~

  • Grandma Vic

    Love the bag, sorry I forgot to enter. Very funny I’m at a party dressed from head to toes in Adorn It clothes. Hope you are loving China and feeling great. Have fun.

    • Teresa Jones

      I’ll bet you look fabulous. ~grin~ The trip has been a really great one so far–not a single headache. I’m feeling all kinds of wonderful about that. AND–I can blog now. BoOm.

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