giveaways humor living intentionally travel

Winner Winner Chicken Head Soup Dinner | May 30

Winner Winner Chicken Head Soup Dinner is an awesome title for this post. Awe-some. Here’s why: Number One: We have a winner. [The summer door banner officially belongs to someone.] Number Two: We have a picture of a bowl full of real and true Chicken Head Soup. Well–Chicken Head and Chicken Claw/foot including talons Soup. You must certainly be aware that I don’t have the foggiest idea what the dish was actually clawed called. Winner Winner Chicken Head Soup is the name that’s been filed in my brain. This next bit will clarify any confusion that might be lingering for the general reading audience.

I give you Winner Winner Chicken Head Soup.

Chicken soup

Yeh? Huh? I know. Right? Now you can see why that’s the name stuck in my head.

Also, is it just me–or–does that chicken look like it may have been a defiant chicken? Like a mutinous chicken pirate. Or, or maybe an insubordinate chicken employee somewhere. Seriously. Take another quick look. That detached claw/foot piece is definitely defiantly raised to the heavens.



I think it must have been a rooster chicken. Not because of the defiant fie-to-the-sky fist but because that thing under its beak/chin might actually be attached. The wattle thing. I know it’s called a wattle because I googled: What is the red hangy thingy under a rooster’s beak/chin?

Here’s the answer.

This flap of loose skin, found on roosters, turkeys, some dog and goat varieties, and even some humans, is called a wattle.


Hold your horses. Stop the traffic. Hang on to your shorts.

Some humans have wattles?

[I’m not googling that. I’m just not googling that.]

All of this means that the title might need some modification: Winner Winner Rooster Head Soup Dinner.

I’m stickin’ with chicken.

Which brings us to the Number One reason for this blog post.

Summer banner

Someone really does actually officially own this sweet summer door banner.

Summer banner top

[It will now be obvious that I’ve had a little bit of time on my hands today.]

I give you [clappity-clap-clap] the dancing chicken of happiness and congratulations for you.

Congratulations chicken

And here’s the happy recipient [I realize that that might be premature as they haven’t received the banner yet–but I’m hoping that ‘happy’ applies] is [tun-tun-tun-tah]:

Summer banner winner

Congratulations, congratulations!

I hope it looks super cute, super fantastic, and super delightful on your door. [I would luh-huh-huv a picture. Just so you know.]

Let me know that you know that the world now knows that you’re the winner winner chicken head soup dinner girl. Leave a comment here or on Facebook. Or both. [I love comments. Nice comments–not bossy moo cow comments. Those are prohibited.]

For the hundreds of you chomping at the bit to get your hands on a recipe for the Winner Winner Chicken Head Soup, here’s a good place to begin.


Thank you and thank you for entering the giveaway, friends. You make this kind of thing worth doing.

I hope you have the best of days.

a Rafflecopter giveaway




  • Kristen

    Uh. I am finger-crossed that there wasn’t another who had the name spelling of K-R-I-S-T-E-N and an initial C.
    Is it M-E?!

    • Teresa @ Sweet Creek Moon

      Yes, yes, yes. It’s Y-O-U! Congratulations. I hope you love it. I hope you can’t wait to hang it up and take a photo so that I can post it on the blog. Hope. 🙂

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