
Dialect–not to be confused with Dalek

So here’s the deal: that one day was a great day–until about 5:07 pm. That is the precise moment (according to the clock in the room that I sat in) when the great day turned into one of those days that we are all familiar with: a poo day. Fortunately, I remembered that the great part of the day didn’t become less so because of the poo part–but the poo part could not to be ignored.

[Unfortunately, I didn’t remember that the great part of the day doesn’t become less so until today.]

There has to be another word to use–poo is a little bit of a potty word.

Dumb day.
Ick day.
Blah day.
Boo day.
Stink day.
Grrr day.
Rawr day.

Rawr might work.

So–the great day turned into one of those days that we are all familiar with: a rawr day.


I don’t think that one’s going to work either because it sounds like you’re saying ‘rare’ with some kind of an accent. Like a thick Scottish brogue.

Say this sentence with a Glaswegian accent.

—A rare diamond would be a perfect gift to give your wife.

This might help:

Ah rawr daymoan wou bey ah pare-ft gef to gef yore waif.

Or something like that.


Now watch this video clip of comedian Kevin Bridges.  (He’s from Glasgow.)

It. cracks. me. up.
I a little bit wish there was some kind of technological astonishment that would allow me to hear any of you actually trying the dialect–without you knowing that I was listening–but not in any kind of creepinstein way. Just for the delight of hearing it.
And as far as that one time at 5:06 pm–well–it stink. stank. stunk.  But it doesn’t get to become the boss of me.
Or rent space in my head for another moment.
Happy Month of Thanks and Giving. 



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