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Fall giveaway winner | Oct 28

Fall giveaway winner. Oh! [clap your hands together and look up to the sky] Fah-huh-all giveaway wih-hih-ner. [pause for emphasis and delight] Giveaway winner posts are fun to put together because you know that by the end of the post at least one person will be delighted out of their mind. ~grin~ One of these days I’m going to have enough of something to give to every single [not a marital status, btw] solitary person who enters the giveaway. It’s delightful to the sweet creek moon and back to read your comments and know that you really would like to have this on your front door. Thank you, thank you, and thank you.

That being said, here’s the prize:

material for banner


That’s actually the kit for the prize–mostly the kit for the prize. The actual factual prize is the kit completed–by moi.

Here it is on the floor.

[The clean, clean floor.]

front door fall banner

Here it is on the door.

front door fall banner on door

[Still working on my photography–lighting would be a good class to take–skills.]

Here’s the tutorial for actually putting the kit together. If you happen to watch it, please notice that the pumpkins are placed rather perfectly on the giveaway one. I don’t know what in the world I was thinking when I put the original one together for the tutorial. Maybe I wasn’t. Regardless–the floating pumpkin of ick is no longer the floating pumpkin of ick. Yay for making changes. Yay.

[If you ever watch a tutorial and it’s me doing the explaining–please let me know if you have any questions. Seriously. I’m all for answering questions.]

Now let’s just get to the official fall giveaway winner.

Congratulations, congratulations Jamie Hatch!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you all for entering. All of you. I love that you even participate in these things.

[And wait until you see the winter one. It’s actually already done–and it’s my favorite. Not kidding.]




  • rachelle.

    yay, jamie.

    • Teresa @ Sweet Creek Moon

      This one would be quick from start to finish if you ever wanted to come over–just so you know. ~smile~

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