DIY Fashion great ideas Tutorials

Hemline extender idea #1

Hemline extender idea #1.

Okay. This is the right thing to do and I know it so here goes. WaRniNg! Warrrr-neeng!
The photos in this particular blog are horrible.
No kidding.
Retina burning horrible.
Eyeballs falling out of your head, horrible.
Continue reading at your own peril.
Hemline extender ideas. especially for those of you who’ve been asking where I find the fabulous ones I have.
Because they are fabulous.
Can a girl have too many hemline extenders?
Excess is a real and true word–but–it’s not likely.
You might have noticed that I call them hemline extenders instead of slip extenders. The idea of a slip constantly showing is blah.
Granted, there are a lot of extenders that look like slips–but when they look like part of the dress/skirt and not something you slapped on that looks like lingerie–that’s the look I go for.
This is the first idea of several that I have about extenders. Once you know what some of the tips and tricks are, it’s easier to know what to look for.

I found this skirt at Walmart.

On sale.


A bit big.


[It would have worked at any size.]

Cut off as many of the ruffle layers as you choose.

I cut three of them off–they will become the bottom of the new extender.

Make sure you don’t cut through the lining–you’ll need it later.

Sew the three-layer piece to the bottom of the lining.

It may seem like it’s too much length–but you can remedy that later.

Cut off the top of the very tip top of the waistband.

Because the skirt is large enough, cut the zipper out.  You’ll need to run another seam along the side where the zipper was–but that’s easy.

[Snore.  Seriously–are any of you still awake at this point?  And how come no one ever asks questions about how to put these things together–the instructions can NOT be that clear.]

And no, a carpeted floor is not the most ideal working space in the whole wide world.

Remember these ruffles?  You’ll notice that they’re connected to the waistband. I don’t throw stuff like this away because it’s a ready-made section of ruffles.

Here’s what it needs to look like–I’ve included the piece of elastic I’ll use as the waistband for the extender.

This is also the point where you’ll cut off length if you need to.

Remember to take the length from the lining.

If it’s 3″ too long, simply measure and mark 3″ from the top of the lining all the way around.


Attach the elastic waistband to the material, and this is what you’ll have:
To the Sweet Creek Moon and back kind of splendid.



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