DIY Pinned & Tested Recipe Tutorials

Muddy Buddy Lemon Bar Tastiness

Muddy Buddy Lemon Bar Tastiness

This is my friend Cathy’s Muddy Buddy variation that happens to be my favorite: Muddy Buddy Lemon Bar Tastiness.
[I felt compelled to add that particular descriptive at the end — because — well–
YOU make them and the light of understanding will wash over you like the sun’s rays wash over the earth to waken it.]
They aren’t actually “muddy” though.
I submit a new name for this treat: Lemon Bar Crunchy Munchies of Deliciousness and Astonishing Flavor.
I actually don’t care what it’s called–I’m eating it.

The list of ingredients:

8 cups of Rice Chex cereal–Cathy used Western Family Rice Squares

1 cup white chocolate chips or candy melts

1/2 cup lemon curd

4 Tbsp butter

1 1/2 cups–2 cups powdered sugar [or use an entire bag if powdered sugar is a happy place for you–except I’m kidding]

[The lemon curd part is the reason I didn’t try this on my own.

I know what lemons are–I know what curd is–but I couldn’t imagine how in the world I was going to make a combination of the two.

But then, oh happy day, (pause for effect) Cathy showed me the magic bottle.



And don’t forget the paper bag.

[Not the lunch size–not the lawn size–the grocery size.  Ask your local grocer.]

Here’s how you put it together [and this will take you approximately 20 minutes–truly].

–Measure and pour your cereal into a large bowl–you’ll be mixing in this bowl, so it should be a great and spacious bowl.

–Melt the chips, butter, and lemon curd in a small saucepan over low heat stirring constantly.

[If you’re making this with a friend–or two–don’t be licking any of the spoons.

Unless one of them asks you if you want to lick the spoon.

Which Cathy did.

And I did.

And this lemon curd stuff is going on a pancake the second I make one.

It is dee-lish-us and no I’m not going to check the back of the container for a calorie break down.

And by-the-way your kitchen will smell lovely.]

–Pour the melted lemon mixture of tastiness over the cereal and mix it up until the cereal pieces are evenly coated.

–Pour the coated cereal into the large paper bag.

–Sprinkle the powdered sugar over the cereal inside the bag.

–Fold the paper bag closed a couple of times–to assist in the containment of the clouds of powdered sugar

–Shake that bag, my friends, shake it.

[And, if you feel so inclined, turn on some music and proceed to shake your fabulous treat making self as well.]

–Open that bag
[Do it immediately after you’re done shaking if you are the least bit interested in being covered in an ever so delicate layer of powdered sugar loveliness.
If you’re NOT interested in that–give the powdered sugar a couple of minutes to settle.]
–Pour the cereal onto a cookie sheet and let it cool
Just skip that part entirely and eat it.
Such a tasty, tasty treat.
Here’s the Nutella Muddy Buddy Recipe post..
Enjoy the treats.
Enjoy the day.




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