great ideas humor living intentionally

Wait a minute, wait wait a minute

Don’t you just love those days when you feel as bright as the flowers that show up on your Sunday porch? 

(I’m quite a bit astonished that the Peanut Butter Bunch continues to spread–pun very much intended–their goodness around.)


This past week I had as many reasons to growl and mumble about the state of whatever as many of you probably did.  I am frankly grateful that our collective reasons to growl and mumble don’t happen simultaneously. Our schools, streets, libraries, and the like would be filled to the brim with drama–and not the kind of drama that garners a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious review.  (You know, like Mary Poppins.) Nah. Not fabulous drama like that.

No, no nanita.

[Did anyone else learn that song when in junior high or high school?]

It would be a horrifying, solid mass of drama hideousness. 

Nope–thankfully sorrow, grief, sickness, disappointment, change, isolation and all of that happen at different times. Thankfully.

Believe me when I say that I rawred and gruffed and mumbled. Because I did.


But it didn’t last very long–or I should say the ‘heaviness’ didn’t last very long–because so much gladness exists outside of the rawr.  And the mumble.

Like spending the day with family and being in a pumpkin patch with two adorable little girls kind of gladness.

Like the gladness of the very scientific pumpkin protection research going on here.  You know, in an effort to deter the dear deer from consuming it once it ripens.  The pumpkin is positively bursting out of the bucket.

I want to be a pumpkin when I grow up.

And this afternoon–in addition to the bright Sunday bloom on the porch gladness–a family gave me a plate of soft and smooshy rice krispie treats. On a red plate. Out of the blue. It tickled me pink.

And that is gladness.

In spite of my best efforts to remain rawr-ful, I could not do it. I simply could not.

That doesn’t mean that the reasons for growling and mumbling have disappeared. (And it certainly doesn’t mean that the rawr won’t want to return–I’ll just make sure I’m not driving. Or standing behind someone with 23 items checking out in the 15–item express lane. ~snerk~)

It simply means that those things aren’t the only thing I’m seeing life through.

And on that note–let me share this note–as in music–with you.

This is my first attempt to share a video and I can NOT for the life of me figure out how to center it.  It doesn’t change the sound or anything–it’s just not as aesthetically (and I am pleased as punch to say that I didn’t even google the spelling of that word before posting it–my confidence waxeth strong) pleasing.

If it is disagreeable, might I suggest that you close your eyes and listen to the song (after–only after–you click play).  Or.  Or click play; push back your chair; and dance a bit.

Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. ~smile~

And, yes.  I would say that she is–you know–lovely.





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