Pinned & Tested Useful Tips

Pinned ‘n’ Tested: toilet bombs

Tun-tun-tun-tah: Toilet bombs.

For real.

Hear me out.

Some scents give me a headache. 

[I pray the live-long day that the population at large will use their colognes, perfumes, lotions, body sprays, hairsprays  and such sparingly–if at all. Especially on a plane. Or a train. In a class, or a store. On the street. In a line. Etc.  With the exception of deodorant.]

Some scents just smell fresh.  Clean fresh.  As in clean house fresh.  It’s exactly what you imagine the hanging laundry in a commercial smells like–gently fluttering in the summer breeze–warmed by the golden rays of sun spilling across the bright sky above the velvety soft grass which is uninhabited by tiny spiders or itchy bugs.

That’s fresh, my friends.

There are a couple of things that smell fresh no matter.  No matter.  I smell it–boom–something is clean. I can even pretend that something is clean (like many of the restroom facilities on a plane or in a park or a camping ground or my house) if I can smell the freshness from a few specific sources.

One of them:

Windex Crystal Rain Scent is true.

I see it on a shelf–boom–it’s mine.

[Of course I purchase it.]

It’s on my Christmas wish list.

I will clean a clean oven top just for the smell of it.

[And no-no-no one is giving me anything for saying this. Or drawing that awesomeness. I just love the stuff.] 

Two of the other scents that smells fresh no matter are citrus and peppermint.

One little dot of citrus or peppermint oil dabbed ‘neath my nostrils and I can plane potty with the best of them.

[That was as delicately said as I could muster.]

I saw this on Pinterest–and it piqued my interest.

Pinterest piqued my interest.

It’s a DIY mix of baking soda, citric acid, and Essential Oils (lavender, lemon, and peppermint) that’s supposed to deodorize as well as kill bacteria. 

Here’s the recipe.

Here’s how hers turned out.

Here’s how my turned out.

[They look a lot like hers.]

Oddly enough, they aren’t identical.

I say that only because they are hers–I purchased them.

[No way am I making them.  I don’t make Windex Crystal Rain Scent and I don’t make these bombs.  Oh. And I don’t make bubble wrap.]

In came in a manila envelope. 

[I actually purchased three bags–that’s how excited I was.]

The package smelled lovely. 

No.  Wait.  The package smelled fresh.

I promptly stuck my head in the envelope.

[It was going to be a good day.]

I left an opened bag on the table for a week.  It smelled f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c.

It smelled like the house was spit-spot cleaner than a whistle, shining like the top of the Chrysler building.

I decided to drop the bomb in our 1/2 bathroom upstairs.

It definitely was a fizzy party.
It definitely smelled fresh.
It didn’t clean and I have no idea if it killed bacteria.

I decided to drop another bomb in (before flushing the first one) just to see if the power of two would improve it’s cleaning ability.

It didn’t.

Mind you, I wasn’t expecting a miracle, and for the moments that those tiny little bombs were fizzing it smelled fresh.fresh.fresh.  That part lasted long enough for me not to regret purchasing them in the first place.

It occurred to me to try them in the kitchen sink.
–I placed a bomb in the bottom of each sink drain
–boiled a cup of white vinegar
–poured 1/2 cup of the boiling vinegar over each bomb
–and watched things boogie and fizz

That’s what I use them for now.

Ah–the smell of fresh.

I have an idea for a slogan:

Drop the bomb–smell the fresh.


Pinned ‘n’ Tested. 




  • chelle.

    i read on pinterest…since we are talking about pinterest… that you can leave baking soda in the toilet overnight and it will clean it…maybe the bomb will clean given enough time…just saying.

    • Teresa Jones

      I had the same thought as I was writing this, so I dropped two bombs into a toilet and let it sit overnight–with the same results. I’m going to try it one more time and see what happens. Also–I Pinned ‘n’ Tested another baking soda cleaning remedy that was to leave the toilet sparkling clean as well as deodorized. It was a vinegar and baking soda remedy. I’ve found another remedy that uses the vinegar and baking soda but adds tea tree and lavender oil. I’m going to try it and see what happens.

  • chelle.

    also, fresh scents are my most favoritest. and citrus. and peppermint. soul mates.

  • Abigail Chua

    I have been using toilet bombs for about a month. It cleaned the stain on the deep end of the toilet, though it took some time and repeat dropping after a few weeks. I didn’t scrub, I just left them overnight. It’s not an instant type of cleaning stains, but it does leave your toilet fresh.

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